Digital Trail Blazing


Trail Digital touts itself as a consultancy for Search Engine Optimisation. Established in Cape Town, Trail Digital has a passion for helping small and medium-sized companies increase their online visibility. They will help your business form a clear path to its customers, thereby increasing your revenue.

The Challenge

Create a brand identity, and develop an online presence for their business. As is often the case with some businesses, what they offer as a service is often their own ‘blind spot’. Their own offering needed to be clearly articulated in order to attract new business.
Trail Digital Web Design

Brief Execution

Everything they offer, from Content Strategy and Graphic Design, to Web Design and Search Engine Optimisation, is clearly articulated with a minimalist layout. The FAQ section cuts to the chase too, offering visitors to the site a bullet point, stripped-down insight into what Trail Digital does best.


I remain involved with monthly maintenance and ongoing speed optimisation, growing with Trail Digital as they blaze an exciting trail in the world of SEO Marketing.

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Cape Town, South Africa